When Steve, Chad, and Jawed created Youtube, they probably thought to themselves, "Wow, this is great! Now people from all over the world can share their hilarious home videos with each other!". Yes, and they can also use their videos to feed off the life forces of other creatures, too!
Does this magical thinking confound you? Of course it does, as this is the magical thinking of the psychic vampire. The psychic vampire, sometimes abbreviated as psi vamp, is a new esoteric race of vampire.You may not have heard of their "superior" race before, probably because their eccentric videos and general presence on the internet can be very difficult to find, and when you do find them, they may be speaking in Latin (the reason why psychic vampires and daemons take Latin 101 is currently unknown).
The psi vamps claim to feed off of the life forces of other living beings to sustain their own life force, which suspiciously sounds a lot like the process of digestion. Their reason for this is because they can't "generate" or store their own energy, so they need to feed from other people frequently. If they don't get their feed on time, the melodramatic vampire claims to lose their mental balance and then subsequently become lethargic. This can supposedly lead to death, although I've never seen the cause of death section on a death certificate say "lack of chi".
Being "slightly above the humans on the food chain", they believe the average humans fear them, and are scared of their culture. In reality, nobody cares since very few people know about their "existence", and the people who do know think they're insane.
The psychic vampire claims to have an insatiable hunger for energy and feed on psi (spiritual energy), blood (sanguinarians), and emotions (positive/negative energy). Some are very meticulous about their "feeding", and others are even picky about the energy they pilfer.
Some of the more sophisticated psychic vampires search for an alternative for feeding. This has caused psi vamps to begin researching their own energy for other methods of feeding and tranferring energy. All of this research has led to the creation of the Youtube feeding channels. The Youtube feeding channels contain low-quality videos of people transferring energy to other psychic vampire as an alternative to their normal feeding methods, like this one below.
- If you pause the video, will you only receive a partial energy transfer?
- If you're deaf, do you still receive a full energy transfer, or do you only get half of it for not listening?
- When the man in the video said he needs "Feedback from you" to increase the power, does this mean he wants "feedback" as in comments on his Youtube video?
- If you answered "yes" to the last question, then how do comments increase the power given?
- Is the power stored in the video itself, or is the power sapped from his body in real-time?
- If the power is stored in the video, does it ever run out?
- If the power does indeed run out, does he renew it by posting a new video?
- If the power is sapped from his body in real-time, does he notice it?
- If too many people watch the video at once, will he be incapacitated?
Unfortunately, we will probably never receive answers to those questions, as they are all impossible to answer.
Since psychic vampires don't always announce their presence outside of their community, you probably wouldn't know that you're talking to a vampire with such grand delusions. The only time a psychic vampire may become a problem is when they start claiming to feed from you, which usually results in them posting annoying messages asking you if you can "Feel the energy leaving your body". Unless the purported magical vampire actually managed to siphon something from you, then you should just disregard everything they say as magical thinking.